Home RAGNAR - Thor's hammer with protective symbols, Stainless steel NERt-027 Kč599.00 Aegishjalmur and triquetra. A big souble-sided stainless steel hammer for big warriors! Add to cart
Last items in stock Home SIGURD - Thor's hammer and the symbol of Aegishjalmur, Helmet of Awe NERt-018 Kč399.00 He who wears it will not be seen by his enemies, so the legend goes. Add to cart
Home SILVIA - steel Thor's hammer in circle with goat head - larger version NERt-429032 Kč499.00 A modern pendant for the Viking, inspired by an original find from Sweden. Add to cart
Last items in stock Home SILVIA - Thor's hammer, round with goat head, stainless steel NERt-032 Kč449.00 A modern pendant for the Viking, inspired by an original find from Sweden. Add to cart
Home SINDRI - Beautifully decorated stainless steel Thor's hammer NERt-034 Kč499.00 Solid double-sided hammer with many details and dragon braids and golden colour. Add to cart
Home SKÅNE - Swedish Thor's hammer with raven head, stainless steel NERt-030 Kč499.00 Reversible Viking pendant, steel replica inspired by an original find from Sweden. Add to cart
Last items in stock Home SKÅNE - Thor's hammer with goat head, stainless steel NERt-030 Kč599.00 A modern pendant for the Viking, inspired by an original find from Sweden. Add to cart
Home TANNGRISN - Steel Thor's hammer with goat head (the smaller of the 2) NERt-016 Kč399.00 Thor's magical goats Tanngrisn and Tanngjost pull his cart. Add to cart
Home TARANIS - Thor's hammer, axe, stainless steel NERt-028 Kč499.00 Large double-sided amulet with warrior and sun circle. Add to cart
Home THOR - The flat hammer of Thor and the bearded Viking warrior NERt-023 Kč349.00 The helmet, beard and braids as symbols of infinity. Add to cart
Home THOR Thor's hammer and valknut symbol, wolf head NERt-304 Kč399.00 You're not afraid to take on giants with one of these! Add to cart
Home Thor's hammer DENMARK, based on a find from Bornholm Island NERt-368 Kč439.00 A modern hammer based on a famous find, made of stainless steel! Add to cart