Home Viking Charm Rune Aegishjalmur - Helmet of Awe DDAC-089 Kč249.00 Ishgishjálmur, a powerful symbol of Icelandic culture for protection and victory. Add to cart
Home VIKING Pendant Valkyrie with a cloak from Tuna AC-056 Kč195.00 The figure of the Valkyrie in a cloak of a woman's grave, 10th century, Tuna - Uppland, Sweden. Add to cart
Home VIKING Pendant with braid Gotland - with patina DJAC-200 Kč195.00 Replica of a Viking pendant, Swedish island Gotland, 9th century. Add to cart
Home WITCHER - Geralt Wolfs-Amulett - aus Zinn, mit Patina DJAC-204 Kč279.00 White hair, two menacing-looking swords, and this Witcher-inspired amulet. Add to cart
Home ♡ Venus of Věstonice - replica of a famous statue of a woman, GRAVETTIEN, pendant DDAC-088 Kč189.00 PAVLOVIEN - Paleolithic chubby girl whose curves everyone loves! Add to cart