Home Valkyrie Amulet from Denmark - bone AK-010 Kč1,199.00 This amazing find is often referred to as the fertility goddess Freya, or Valkyrie. But you definitely have to have this great replica! Add to cart
Home Viking Charm Rune Aegishjalmur - Helmet of Awe DDAC-089 Kč249.00 Ishgishjálmur, a powerful symbol of Icelandic culture for protection and victory. Add to cart
Home VIKING Pendant Valkyrie with a cloak from Tuna AC-056 Kč195.00 The figure of the Valkyrie in a cloak of a woman's grave, 10th century, Tuna - Uppland, Sweden. Add to cart
Home VIKING Pendant with braid Gotland - with patina DJAC-200 Kč195.00 Replica of a Viking pendant, Swedish island Gotland, 9th century. Add to cart
Home WITCHER - Geralt Wolfs-Amulett - aus Zinn, mit Patina DJAC-204 Kč279.00 White hair, two menacing-looking swords, and this Witcher-inspired amulet. Add to cart
Home ♡ Venus of Věstonice - replica of a famous statue of a woman, GRAVETTIEN, pendant DDAC-088 Kč189.00 PAVLOVIEN - Paleolithic chubby girl whose curves everyone loves! Add to cart