Home VIKING chair, Riders on horseback, ceremonial Fire striker - brass KRE-102 Kč1,549.00 Sweden, Finland, Norway, Hungary, 10th century. Add to cart
Home VIKING chair, Riders on horseback, ceremonial plumb bobbin - brass KRE-101 Kč1,449.00 Sweden, Finland, Norway, Hungary, 10th century. Add to cart
Home VIKING Flint - Doublesided replica, ceremonial Fire Striker - brass KRE-106 Kč1,599.00 Beautifully chalked, also found in women's graves. Decorated on both sides on a large piece of burin, pierced through. Add to cart
Home VIKING Flint - Doublesided, ceremonial Fire Striker - silver plated practical jewellery KRE-105 Kč1,749.00 Beautifully chalked, also found in women's graves. Decorated on both sides on a large piece of burin, pierced through. Add to cart
New Home VIKING MAN - Dragon pin replica - decorative square brooch in Borre style DABM-266 Kč790.00 9th-10th century, Uppåkra. 4 dragon heads symbolizing the 4 wind directions - Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Westri. Add to cart
Home VIKING REPLICA Medallion Novgorod, Kievan Rus - brass DBBR-081 Kč479.00 Replica of a pendant from the 10th - 12th century, Novgorod - Kievan Rus Add to cart
New Home VIKING WOMAN - Symmetrical decorative replica of a brooch, garment pin. Pskov /... DABM-260 Kč890.00 09th - 11th century, Pskov. A beautiful replica of a round brooch, to fasten and to hang the essentials of reenactor equipment as a decorative button. Add to cart
Sold out, can be pre-ordered - email me. Home Amulet of the Valkyrie of Hårby - bone AK-009 Kč1,499.00 The Valkyries chose from the fallen Einherjer warriors who are worthy of Valhalla. View