Last items in stock Home Clasp with crock crystal, filigree and granulation - Staraya Ladoga - Lake Ladoga DABM-032 Kč780.00 Unique neck pin in typical Slavic style with clear rock crystal and symmetrical granulation. 10. - 11. century AD Add to cart
Home Flint - piece cca 5 cm KRE-007 Kč50.00 For starting a fire or as a semi-finished product for the production of a primitive blade, arrowhead or fist wedge. Add to cart
Last items in stock Home Slavic Lunette - Lunice Nitra with Lapis Lazuli or Czech garnet - bronze DDBR-063 Kč799.00 The well-known shape of the lunette from Michal nad Žitavou is clearly asking to be added to the string of beads! Add to cart
New Home SRSTKA - Romano-British brooch with greyhound, zoomorphic decorative pin sitting dog DBROM-371 Kč880.00 The original seated greyhound is from the 2nd century in Great Britain. But why not just walk it out anyway? Add to cart
Last items in stock Home Staraya Ladoga - Gilded brooch with rock crystal, Kiev Rus DABM-032 Kč1,150.00 Beautiful gilded replica of a neck pin in typical Slavic style with clear rock crystal and symmetrical granulation. Add to cart
New Home Statuette REPLICA - Horse from Wolin - Ceramic animal - figurine Poland, 9th - 10th c. ZOO-002 Kč440.00 A gift tip - a prehistoric ceramic unique - children's toys from the past will also be loved by adults from the future. Add to cart