Home Axe VIKING - large double-sided decorated pendant DBAM-072 Kč729.00 Replica of a decorated ax, England 9th - 10th century. Add to cart
Home NATUR BROWN- LEATHER Cord for jewellery and wraps KU-002 Kč15.00 Flat unwaxed leather straps in twenty colors. Add to cart
New Home SRSTKA - Romano-British brooch with greyhound, zoomorphic decorative pin sitting dog DBROM-371 Kč880.00 The original seated greyhound is from the 2nd century in Great Britain. But why not just walk it out anyway? Add to cart
Home TOP Perun's axe, pendant and pommel on a needle for his cloak DBBR-064 Kč330.00 Replica of the find miniatures real axes from the 10th - 12th century. Add to cart
Home UNDYED NATUR LIGHT natural leather strap, genuine hide KU-027 Kč15.00 For pendants and wraps, undyed, natural pork leather. Add to cart
Home VIKING WOMEN - Brooch dividers, Birka, grave 854 - pair BM-024 Kč1,199.00 Hanging up to seven rows of beads under the brooches. Add to cart