Home Axe VIKING - large double-sided decorated pendant DBAM-072 Kč729.00 Replica of a decorated ax, England 9th - 10th century. Add to cart
New Home DAGFARI Original deer antler nordic pendant viking VEGVISIR SPV-001 Kč949.00 Hand carved ,,Viking compass" into the tip of a deer antler. Add to cart
Home Knitted necklace ends VIKING KNIT, Erikstorp, 2 pieces DDBR-090 Kč1,439.00 Erikstorp chain ends, Ödeshög - Östergötland locality, Sweden, 10th - 11th century. Add to cart
Home TOP Perun's axe, pendant and pommel on a needle for his cloak DBBR-064 Kč330.00 Replica of the find miniatures real axes from the 10th - 12th century. Add to cart
Home VIKING WOMEN - Brooch dividers, Birka, grave 854 - pair BM-024 Kč1,199.00 Hanging up to seven rows of beads under the brooches. Add to cart