So here it comes! I used the forced pause caused by everyone-knows-what (covid19) and finally started applying for a regional brand certificate - an original product.

After “digging” through all the forms, writing all sorts of documentation and creating photo documentation I "stood" online in front of the commission to present my application.

I can proudly announce that I have become "ZÁPRAŽÍ original product" trademark Certificate holder with "Antlers, bones and horns Original product" registration ganted by the Regional Brand Association.


I would like to thank everyone who kept their fingers crossed, especially to Lucie "Lucyfera" Hrabáková for her help, text editing and moral support :-)

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            Important info:


Dear customers, in the term 


            20. 1. - 10. 2.

we are on vacation! We will send you the package after our return.


Thank you for your understanding!