Home Famous Amulet Man with a falcon from Great Moravia AC-099 Kč279.00 A very successful replica of a target from the church from the Staré Město near Uherské Hradiště. 9th century Add to cart
Home Female protective amulet - LUNETA - Tin lunette from the Principality of Nitra, Slovakia DJAC-209 Kč269.00 Moonflowers as symbols of the female cycle, protection from evil forces and fertility support. Add to cart
Home Flint - piece cca 5 cm KRE-007 Kč50.00 For starting a fire or as a semi-finished product for the production of a primitive blade, arrowhead or fist wedge. Add to cart
Home GREAT MORAVIA Iconic cross Mikulčice, replica of tin with patina DJAB-205 Kč259.00 Replica of a find from the 8th - 9th century. Great Moravian Slavic settlement Mikulčice. Add to cart
Home LUNETA Replica of the Čakajovce lunette, with patina, Great Moravia, Principality of Nitra DJSR-0201 Kč259.00 Bronze jewellery for women, 8th - 9th century. It will stand out on a necklace made of glass beads. Add to cart
New Home MOVING OF NATIONS - Silver plated replica langobard ancient peplos buckle - 6th century DBSPO-466s Kč1,990.00 Reenactment of antiquity. Large Germanic buckle decorated with rays with bulbs. Add to cart
Home Pendant LUNICE Great Moravia Stare Mesto, with patina DJAC-223 Kč249.00 Jewel with granulation from the period of Great Moravia - Old Town near Uherské Hradiště, 9th century. Add to cart