Home Axe VIKING - large double-sided decorated pendant DBAM-072 Kč729.00 Replica of a decorated ax, England 9th - 10th century. Add to cart
Home Pendant Mineral natural Druse AMETYST crystal, irregular KM-102 Kč189.00 Temperance, purity, spirituality, spiritual knowledge. Add to cart
Home SEMI-PRECIOUS STONE BEAD - AMETHYST with large hole, doughnut KM-101 Kč69.00 Temperance, purity, spirituality, spiritual knowledge. Add to cart
Home SEMI-PRECIOUS STONE BEAD - CARNELIAN with large hole KM-121 Kč59.00 Courage, success, vitality, creation. Add to cart
Home TOP Perun's axe, pendant and pommel on a needle for his cloak DBBR-064 Kč330.00 Replica of the find miniatures real axes from the 10th - 12th century. Add to cart
Home VIKING WOMEN - Brooch dividers, Birka, grave 854 - pair BM-024 Kč1,199.00 Hanging up to seven rows of beads under the brooches. Add to cart