Last items in stock Home URALIC Three-pointed socketed trilobate arrowhead - replica DBS-61a Kč320.00 The Skyth heritage - a cast triangular tip with a sleeve and a thin edge. Add to cart
Home VIKING medieval TRIQUETRA Knife handle decoration - larger, silver-plated DBKNI-542p Kč1,200.00 Replica - Decorative ending of the handle and finger protection - not only early medieval. Add to cart
Last items in stock Home VIKING Replica knife fitting (scramasax), dragon shape, Kałdus, Poland DBKNI-514 Kč680.00 Thin subtle fittings for knife and sword sheaths and long knife sheaths. Add to cart
Home VIKING Replica knife scabbard fitting, seax, Kałdus, Poland, silver plated DBKNI-516p Kč799.00 Thin subtle fittings for knife and sword sheaths and long knife sheaths. Add to cart
Home VIKING Replica of Birka knife fitting, silver plated decoration of sheath, scabbard, seax DBKNI-541 Kč3,200.00 Decorated openwork fittings for knife sheaths and long knife sheaths - seax. Add to cart
Home VIKING Replica of openworked fittings from Birka, for knife sheath, scabbard, seax DBKNI-533 Kč2,700.00 Decorated openwork fittings for knife sheaths and long knife sheaths - seax. Add to cart
Home VIKING TRIQUETRA Knife handle decoration - larger, brass DBKNI-542 Kč1,000.00 Replica - Decorative ending of the handle and finger protection - not only early medieval. Add to cart
Home VIKING TRIQUETRA Knife handle decoration - smaller, brass DBKNI-543 Kč950.00 Replica - Decorative ending of the handle and finger protection - not only early medieval. Add to cart
Home VIKING TRIQUETRA Knife handle decoration - smaller, silver-plated DBKNI-543p Kč1,150.00 Replica - Decorative ending of the handle and finger protection - not only early medieval. Add to cart
Home VINTAGE Decorative forged nails black - 6 cm HRE-026 Kč35.00 A smaller nail just right for various repairs and for hanging a picture. Add to cart
Sold out, can be pre-ordered - email me. Home Belt loop for sword scabbard - bog oak MD-001 Kč899.00 Wooden belt loop for the sword scabbard, bog oak from the remains of Slavic fortifications and is over 1000 years old! View
Sold out, can be pre-ordered - email me. Home Belt loop for sword scabbard - Maple wood MD-002 Kč549.00 Wooden belt loop for the sword scabbard, Maple wood. View
Sold out, can be pre-ordered - email me. Home Belt loop for sword scabbard - Olive wood MD-003 Kč749.00 Wooden belt loop for the sword scabbard, Olive wood. View
Sold out, can be pre-ordered - email me. Home Belt loop for sword scabbard - Plum wood MD-005 Kč589.00 Wooden belt loop for the sword scabbard, Plum wood. View
Sold out, can be pre-ordered - email me. Home Bulava 1 - Mace (bludgeon) 11th-12th century ZB-001 Kč1,399.00 This striking hand weapon has the advantage that it doesn't have to (like an axe) rotate properly when attacking - 360° pain! View
Sold out, can be pre-ordered - email me. Home Bulava 3 - Mace (bludgeon) 11th-12th century ZB-003 Kč1,249.00 This striking hand weapon has the advantage that it doesn't have to (like an axe) rotate properly when attacking - 360° pain! View